Tuesday 26 July 2016

Education Back in the Day

By Erik

As we all know, our ways to live and services around the world have changed through the years, and of course, school is no exception.

I had the chance to travel back in time to the 19th century by visiting Lang Pioneer Village’s school. I became a witness of how classrooms used to be, sorry, how the classroom used to be. That’s right, the school used to be just one classroom with all the students from different grades being taught at the same place.

Another big difference between the past and present of the schools is the way to teach. The 19th century happened years before the birth of the Digital Revolution so people weren’t able to learn or teach through the benefits of technology. Instead, they were taught by chalk boards and used mini chalk boards as notebooks as well. Sure, chalk boards are still being used today to teach, but most of our education and assignments are applied in computers.

Discipline applied in school is another aspect of school that has also changed. They used to have a board telling the rules about the way the students should behave during class and if they refused to obey they would have consequences. Rules in the classroom were simple but solid, for example, not leaving your desk without permission, being silent during class, not disturbing peers, among many other rules. The rough part was the punishment of not following these rules. Through the years the rules became the basic structure of discipline in school but punishments were becoming smoother until the point that punishments were no longer intimidating for kids, much like it is today.

Erik is a grade 11 student at Trinity College School and guest writer for the Museum.