National Volunteer Week 2015 is running from April 12th to April 18th. This is a time to recognize, celebrate and thank the thousands of Canadians who dedicate their time to volunteering. In honour of this celebration, Lang Pioneer Village Museum would like to recognize some of its Volunteer Superstars in a special daily blog post during this week, called the Volunteer Superstar Series.
Wednesday’s Volunteer Superstar is: Heather.
For over 15 years now, Heather has been a volunteer at Lang Pioneer Village Museum. She is a powerhouse of information and contacts that have helped Lang immensely during her time with us.
She can always be relied upon to share, teach and entertain. Her smiling face and refreshing wit are inspirational and fun.
Heather is involved as a volunteer in a number of ways:
• As a Historical Interpreter, Heather can often be found interpreting at the Fife Cabin, with her husband John. She often volunteers to do the coldest, dampest, darkest interpretation of the year: the Fife Cabin Christmas interpretation. A real trooper!
• As a re-enactor, Heather has been integral in organizing the attendance of the 49th Regiment of Foot re-enactor group which has been involved in a number of events at the Village. She can fire the cannon, shoot a musket, and march with the best of them. The children who visit especially enjoy her drills – left, right, left right, and again!
• As a costumer and seamstress, Heather has assisted in the Museum’s Costuming Department, donating not only her time to create and mend, but also a number of supplies/patterns for the vast collection of reproduction period clothing that is used to dress the Museum’s staff and volunteers. Her work is beautiful, and we are lucky to have her share her magical abilities with the needle.
• As a member of the Lang Pioneer Village Museum Advisory Committee, Heather has given countless hours of her time to assist in the development and implementation of programming and Museum-related business.
Heather is a vibrant and knowledgeable member of the LPVM volunteer team. We are so lucky to have her skills and expertise! Not to mention, her company!
« « « Thank you Heather for being one of our Volunteer Superstars! « « «

A few images of Heather throughout the years in her various Volunteer roles

Elizabeth King is currently filling the roll of Interim Assistant Manager at Lang Pioneer Village Museum. She has been working at the Village since May of 2009. Elizabeth is passionate about history, costuming, reading, vegan culinary crusades and environmental pursuits. When she isn’t in the middle of a project at Lang, she is often found with her head in the clouds.